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It is now possible to invest a fund in a risk profile, rather than being restricted to funds or asset classes. This enables the forecast to utilise the efficient portfolio that has been designed specifically for the user's risk rating, risk benchmark, and investment term. EV's efficient portfolios are reviewed and updated quarterly in order to remain aligned to the current market conditions.
All of our Investment and Retirement APIs now fully support investing in a risk profile, for any term and risk benchmark. The fund object has 2 new fields to support this: riskGroup
and riskTerm
The riskGroup
field relates directly to the risk benchmark: our standard offerings are 5, 7, 10. The riskTerm puts the focus of the risk profile's efficient allocation on the user's individual goals. This field therefore has been separated from the more commonly used forecast term to allow for a more personalised projection. The user's risk profile is captured under the code, as per the usual fund, with the prefix “risk”.
"funds": [{
"riskGroup": 5,
"riskTerm": 10,
"code": "risk1",
"balance": 10000,
"contributionPercentage": 100,
"adjustment": 0.1
You can now specify an index when using the ability to view the user's forecast in today's prices.
The forecast options allow the model results to be adjusted for inflation, so they can show results in today's prices or future prices. Our Investment and Retirement APIs use the Retail Price Index as a measure of inflation by default. Now they also support Consumer Price Index.
"forecastOptions": {
"todaysPrices": true,
"todaysPricesIndex": "CPI",
"taxOptions": {
"region": "UK"
object has a new field to support this: todaysPricesIndex
. Here's an example of how the user views their prices in today's value, using the Consumer Price Index as inflation.There have been a number of bug fixes included in this release in order to improve the functionality offered to users entering retirement.
- We have addressed an issue whereby the user's current value wasn't being shown in year 0 of the forecast if they were retiring immediately.
- Also, where a user's retirement date isn't aligned to their date of birth we previously experienced issues as the modelling is processed in complete years. In order to best reflect how a user might act, we now take the lump sum in the year of retirement.